As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15

Monday, March 16, 2009

Several weeks ago I found myself lying in bed thinking over things that I might blog about. Several things came to mind and I thought that I would give one a try today.

As you see from the cute little button, I am going to call this challenge....... TALK ON TUESDAY. I have found that if I write challenges down I am more likely to follow through. I invite you to take the challenge with me. Each Tuesday I will post a challenge to myself. You are welcome to post the button in you blog, link back to me and join in on the fun. I do not plan on getting complicated with this..... I just plan to see where it takes us!!

The first challenge I have for myself is one that will take a lot of effort on my part. After my visit with my Aunt on Monday, it dawned on me that I have not kept in touch with her like I should have. Not only with my Aunt but with a lot of different people that were important to me and still are.


Today I plan on calling my college roommate whom I have not talked with in over 4 years! We were such great roommates.... we were great friends.... we were in each others weddings. It makes me sad to say that we have never seen each others children.... The last time I saw her was at her wedding. That was 17 years ago! How sad is that? I do know that when I get her on the phone it will be like I saw her yesterday. We will pick right up. Talking on the phone is not one of my favorite things to do. I know that may sound weird, being a woman and all but I cannot handle a phone conversation lasts more than 5 minutes... !!! I cannot sit still that long and find my self walking all over the house while on the phone. I never really paid much attention to it until I saw my 2 year old walking all over the house while "talking" on her play phone! Something else funny.... my husband talks on the phone more than I do!!!

So I ask myself-- why do I neglect the blessing that God has given me in the gift of friendship? He has given me friends to bring joy into my heart. I know... I am a sound like a terrible friend.
Can you think of someone you have neglected to keep in touch with? I encourage you to phone, email or even go see that person. Remember to have a friend, you need to be a friend. It is also that way with relatives! They are your first friends! I know that I get so caught up in my daily life that I do not slow down and think about the blessing of friendship. Take the time to be a friend!!!! I plan on making my phone call! How about you?
Let me know if you decide to join in..... I would love to read about your story! Enjoy your Tuesday!

Here is the code for the Talk on Tuesday button...... You will have to cut and paste it :

As you can tell, I am not computer/blog savvy!!!

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion. But woe to him who is alone when he falls for he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

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