This school year has been such a busy one for my kids, especially Annalee.
I have been so proud of all her accomplishments this year. With her 11th birthday being last week, I decided it was a great time to brag on her a little!!!!
1. She PASSED the CRCT with flying colors!!!!
2. Her portfolio paper on the state of Georgia scored the highest out of 83 fifth grade papers! Her teacher said she honestly could not find a single problem with the paper! She scored a 5's all the way across the Rubric scale.
3. She meet the standards for her State mandatory 5th grade writing test. She had to go to a testing sight, was given her topic to write on and had to develop her idea, write the rough draft, and write the final draft in 2 hours. She did great!
4. She finished all the requirements to move on the Middle school!!! (there were too many to list!) She is now officially a 6th grader!
5. Her softball team won every game and are League Champions!
6. She made the All-star team and will play in several tournaments this summer!
7. She completed her year in Bible Study Fellowship and studied the whole book of John!
You have worked so hard this year and all your hard work has paid off!!! I am so very proud of you!!!!!
love, Momma xoxox
P.S. This friday is Josh's birthday..... I will brag on him them also!!!! hehehe :)